Joining the Forum
About the Forum
This forum runs on open-source software (phpBB) and is moderated by community members, using policies set by the ORMHP co-op.
It is free, and open to any mental health profession who is licensed (or prelicensed) in the state of Oregon.
Forum Rules
No PHI. If you are looking for referrals and need to include some details to help with the referral, include as little details as possible. In general, when in doubt, post the least amount of client information possible.
Abide by the ethical guidelines set by your licensing board. If in doubt, check in with the resources provided by your board.
While there is no rule specifying we all need to think the same way, please be respectful with other forum members, even when in a debate! Specifically, this means:
No personal attacks
No hate speech or speech that seeks to marginalize or disenfranchise a specific group of people
Stalking, bullying, or harassing other members is not allowable within this forum